Target audience

The target audience is primarily defined as youth aged 12-35 years in terms both of listening, participation and delivery, living in urban and semi-rural settings in and around Monrovia.

Primary targets are youth aged between 12-25, equally male and female.

Why? We believe this is the key age group to influence and engage in Liberia, to develop and set on desirable life pathways.

These are secondary school students and young adults who are seeking to develop themselves and find a pathway to their life.

Many are unemployed, some are University and vocational students. Some are parents, and have given up school to take care of a child.

Young people who need a lot of guidance and information. They are still growing and are experiencing a lot of
changes in their bodies, peer pressure, violence, family disaffection, bullying, teenage pregnancies, alcohol and drug abuse.

Of special focus will be females and youth from particularly disadvantaged backgrounds.

Secondary markets are youth aged 26-35, and also elementary school children aged from 6-11 years.

These groups have some different needs which will also be served but to a lesser degree.

The above represent the prime targets to reach,
engage and influence.

Other key primary targets are

  • Youth groups and service providers, eg FLY members.
  • Youth donors and funding bodies.
  • Parents and carers of youth.

Secondary targets include the following

  • Schools, teachers and educators of youth including Universities.
  • Liberian diasporas.
  • Employers of youth.
  • Church bodies with civic education programmes.
  • Public policy makers and MPs.
  • Suppliers
  • Other media.

The needs of all stakeholders will be understood and addressed in a marketing plan.

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